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Abolghasem Dadvar

Iranians In Mughal Politics And Society


After living in India for four years and researching about this topic I finally had enough knowledge to write this book which was then published on August 1, 1999 by Gyan Publishing House in New Delhi. This book is one of the most detailed books in this field. This book examines the regions of Iran wherefrom the migrants came, the type of the people who migrated to India and the place where they finally settled. A major concern of the present work is to study and highlight the reasons and factors that determined the Iranians migration to India. The book is an attempt to answer these questions. The study is based on a large number of sources, including Persian chronicles and tazkiras, both Iranian and Indian, and European accounts and travelogues.

Imam Ali (A.S.)

 “O people! Remember that the excellence of your faith lies in acquiring knowledge and acting upon it. It is more essential for you to crave for knowledge than for riches”.



The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.

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